Ask Linda

by Linda Wobeskya, M.S., P.T., GBPPA Member

This column originally appeared in the Spring, 2000 issue of TRIUMPH.

Dear Linda,
I was reading the article “Pain and Post-Polio Syndrome” by Dr. Peach in the Fall, 1999 issue of the Triumph and came across some words I didn’t understand. Could you explain the meaning of these words in your next column?
Signed, Wondering in Weymouth

Dear Wondering,
Wonder no more. The first word on your list is myogenic. The prefix myo- is from the Greek word for muscle. Myogenic means originating in or coming from muscle.* In the context of the article, myogenic pain would mean the source of the pain is muscular. Fasciculation: Muscles are composed of these bundles of fibers called fasciculi. A fasciculation occurs when a bundle of fibers contracts involuntarily.* In other words, it is a muscle twitch. Supraspinatus: Supraspinatus is the name of a muscle. It originates on the shoulder blade (scapula) and attaches to the top of the arm bone (humerus). It is part of the rotator cuff. Injury to this muscle is a common cause of shoulder pain.

Nerve compression syndrome: A syndrome is a group of symptoms that usually occur together. In this case, the symptoms would be caused when a nerve is injured by being squeezed or compressed. Carpal tunnel syndrome is an example of a nerve compression syndrome. Radiculopathy: The prefix radiculo- is from the Latin word for root.* Our nerves begin as nerve roots near the spinal cord. Radiculopathy refers to the symptoms resulting from compression of a nerve root as it travels between the bones in the spine (vertebra) on its way to the arm or leg.

*According to Stedman’s Medical Dictionary.

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